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Apr 7, 2011

Review: Stay by Deb Caletti

4 very yummy chocolate chip cookies made with bittersweet chocolate chunks.

Cover Love: Yes. It conveys the feeling of the book perfectly.

Why I Wanted to Read This: Again, Simon & Schuster Galley Grab sucked me in. This book looked so interesting and reading the synopsis I couldn't tell if it was going to be a thriller or not (although the cover certainly dones't convey any thriller-ness). Here's the synopsis from Good Reads:
Clara’s relationship with Christian is intense from the start, and like nothing she’s ever experienced before. But what starts as devotion quickly becomes obsession, and it’s almost too late before Clara realizes how far gone Christian is—and what he’s willing to do to make her stay.

Now Clara has left the city—and Christian—behind. No one back home has any idea where she is, but she still struggles to shake off her fear. She knows Christian won’t let her go that easily, and that no matter how far she runs, it may not be far enough....

I Kept Reading Because: It was so well written and so good. I couldn't really stop!

Romance?: Yes. The one Clara tells us she had with Christian and a new little one later on.

What I Liked (& Didn't):
Wow. This was so well written. It was a firsthand account of a super intense romance that turns into something much darker. The thoughts Clara has and the way she describes things that happened are amazing. I haven't been in a relationship like this, but I think this is probably one of the very best books written about obsessive relationships. I think every teenage girl should read this. It was just great.

I didn't think all that extra stuff with her dad needed to be there but it added an extra layer to the story.

I adored Finn, but I would think that Clara would never want to be in another relationship. However, it was important for us to see her healing.

I loved the beachside town. I would love to live there for a summer.

To Sum Up: Great story, intense and interesting to read. The author made you really care for the characters. I am going to read more by Ms. Caletti!

Book received from Simon & Schuster through their GalleyGrab program. Thanks!


  1. You're on a roll with girl books! :-)

  2. I haven't read anything by this author but after your glowing review, I will add her to my list! Thanks, I think...
