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Apr 15, 2011


I have been seeing some fun lists that I thought I would share:

*Crushable (the site that gave us The Babysitter's Club if written by Bret Easton Ellis) listed the 10 YA books that scarred us for life. Super good fun (you have to read the reasons they picked those books). FYI-A Summer to Die: Every time I got a nosebleed after I read this book I was afraid I had cancer. And both of my sons are plagued with nosebleeds, so I always worry about them too!

*The above list led me to a link called "5 Surprising Facts About Sweet Valley High." More good stuff!

*I spent more than a few minutes the other day taking quizzes about books from this site. Ultimate time waster! (This is the one I did the fastest)

*Time Magazine did a list of 10 Kid's Books Series we miss. I love Mrs. Piggle Wiggle--individual chapters are always great read-alouds.

*Beverly Cleary turned 95 this week. 95!! Wow. Here is a fantastic article from The NY Times about Beverly and an essay from Lisa Yee. A couple years ago we took our own Beverly Cleary pillgrammage in Portland. Check out that post here.

And some photos from that day:


  1. "Lila Fowler" is supposed to be pronounced "Lee-lah???" I don't think so. Since a whole generation of readers have been pronouncing it "Lye-lah" for a few decades... I think we need to just go ahead and keep it "Lye-lah!" And who knew that Ann M. Martin wrote a SV book??

  2. I agree. There is no way I could change now, it is LYE-la to me and always will be!!
