5 soft and warm chocolate chips cookies.
Cover Love:
Yes! Fits in perfectly with the other one and shows so much without showing anything.
Why I Wanted to Read This:
I adored the first book. So much action! Such an interesting premise. Couldn't wait for this one! I begged any and all Random House people I knew for a copy, then waited to read it because now I know I have to wait even longer for book #3, which is called CALAMITY. Perfect! You can click here for the synopsis, but I don't want to post it in case you haven't read Steelheart. (Click here for my review of that one).
Romance?: So, or at least talk of feelings and stuff. We do see Megan again and the reunion is happy, and sad, and mixed and wonderful.
My Thoughts:
I was so excited when I finally got a copy of this in the mail. I feel like this is a series being overlooked by many. It is so action packed and the premise is so amazing and David is so noble. I just loved Steelheart. (In fact, it was in my Scholastic book fair this fall and we sold out of it the first day because I gushed so much when I booktalked it to my students). But, for all that, I took my time getting into this book. Steelheart had me from the first few pages and while this one did too, I felt moved slower when David and the Prof headed off to Balibar. However, the last quarter went so fast I want to go back and re-read it to make sure there wasn't any little thing I missed!
David learned so much more about Epics, what caused them, how to kill them and maybe, just maybe, how to make them into heroes. A lot of questions were answered and David is kind of, maybe, set up to be something way more than he thought he was--maybe the Savior of them all? All Epics should fear him now! The set up for the third book is amazing. Sparks! I wish I had waited to read this whole series after all of them were out.
This is one world where it would be interesting to see other cities and other people planning on fighting the Epics. There have got to be more people out there learning all they can as well.
And Calamity. We finally find out a little more about that. And wow, mind blowing (ours and David's!). The thing is, there is hope that all of this could be over and maybe there will be Epics that turn good and maybe, the population can get rid of the bad ones, however, the world is still a mess. I would feel like giving up for sure if I was part of this world.
To Sum Up: Action packed, character driven story that fans of Steelheart will love! Can't wait for book three!
Book requested and received from Random House. Thanks so much!
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