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Aug 26, 2014

Help Me Out of My Slump

I am in a huge reading slump.  One of the worst in my life.  Even SSR is not working.  I am reading, but I am not reading.  You know what I mean?  I have more than a few books I have started that I am liking, just not really loving.  So, please recommend me a book, one of the best you've read in awhile.  I would like to keep it in the young adult/middle grade level but if you have read a fantastic adult book give me the title.

Labor day is coming up and I would like to spend a little bit of time reading!


  1. Have you read Leigh Bardugo's series? The first is Shadow and Bone, it has a compelling world and is YA fantasy.

  2. I feel ya. I'm kinda like that right now myself. I'm listening to The Importance of Being Earnest but my heart is all over the place. I blame it on the baby brain.

    I can't think of anything middle grade I can recommend. Do you like adult stuff from time to time? I loved Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore and I Love You More by Jennifer Murphy. Both great on audio if you're into that.

    Good luck sugar.

  3. I just finished Charm & Strange and really really loved it.

  4. Have you read Hilari Bell's Knight and Rogue series? It's YA fantasy, but pretty unique.
