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Oct 15, 2013

Collection Reading

As I was prepping for a round of 7th grade booktalks the other day I realized that I was in a rut.
I felt like I had booktalked the same books over and over for the past two years.
I was reading so many ARCs and digital galleys (most of which I do end up ordering for my library) that I have been neglecting the other books on my shelves.
So I am devoting the remainder of 2013 to reading books from my collection and I am starting with THE EGYPT GAME by Zilpha Keatley Snyder.  This is one I have been meaning to read for years and I am finally doing it!

(Of course since I made this plan I realized that recent releases that I really want to read are available at my public library so I did put them on hold, maybe I won't get them till January...)

1 comment:

  1. I like the layout of the blog changes you made, looks really good.
