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Mar 18, 2013

Snapshot Monday #3

Jill of the OWL decided to make her Mondays short and sweet with Snapshot Monday.  Take a picture of your current read and post it.  That's all there is to it!
I actually have moved along in my reading since the last Snapshot Monday! Today I am reading:

I was reading Loki's Wolves, but got sidetracked with The Runaway King.  It was a good thing, though because in the meantime I got a physical copy of the book.  It's much better because the formatting of the .pdf on my Nook was kind of messed up so I like the physical version better!

What are you reading on Snapshot Monday?


  1. I got Loki's Wolves too! I know some of my students are going to be all over it!

    1. It's going to be a hit! I am going to read Colussus Rises by Peter Lerangis over spring break. Seems like it's on the same lines!
