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Aug 28, 2012

Tween Tuesday: The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy by Nikki Loftin

4 M&M cookies.

Cover Love:  Yes!  I like this cover a lot and I think it will be eye catching for younger readers.

Why I Wanted to Read This:  I was attracted by the cover and the title.  The synopsis clinched it for me.  Here it is from GoodReads:
When Lorelei's old school mysteriously burns down, a new one appears practically overnight: Splendid Academy. Rock-climbing walls on the playground and golden bowls of candy on every desk? Gourmet meals in the cafeteria, served by waiters? Optional homework and two recess periods a day? It's every kids's dream. But Lorelei and her new friend Andrew are pretty sure it's too good to be true. Together they uncover a sinister mystery, one with their teacher, the beautiful Ms. Morrigan, at the very center. Then Andrew disappears. Lorelei has to save him, even if that means facing a past she'd like to forget – and taking on a teacher who's a real witch. What Lorelei and Andrew discover chills their bones – and might even pick them clean!
Romance?:  None.

What I Liked:
This is a retelling of Hansel & Gretel, but I didn't get that until the end--seriously.  And now when I think back on it I can't believe it took me that long!  I think that because it threw me that it wasn't a brother/sister team, but Lorelei and a friend, Andrew.

There were many villains in this book-three witches and Lorelei's step-mom--I didn't like her at all!  The witches were creepy but I liked how the author gave us a reason for their actions. 

Lorelei's back story was very sad.  I liked how the author gave us a reason for her detachment from her life.  It made it easy for us to believe that she would attach to the principal so completely and not follow along with the rest of the students.  In the long run she grew and was able to come out of the funk she'd been in since her mother had died.

To Sum Up:  This will be a hit in my library and easy to booktalk.  There is some scariness, lots of food and learning to stand up for yourself.  All good stuff!

egalley requested and recieved from Penguin via NetGalley.  Thanks!


  1. Man oh man I want this released on audio. I love love love the cover.

  2. I've just started hearing about this. I'd love if it gets released on audio as it sounds like a great book to listen to while I walk. Thanks for the review.
