Another, older, dystopian series for the tween set is the Tripods series by John Christopher. I read these right after I graduated from college and loved them. He wrote several series in the 60's, but this was by far my favorite. I bought them for my library last year and so far haven't gotten many kids interested in them, but after the new year I will give them another push. These are about a future where aliens (called the Tripods0 have taken over and enslaved humanity. The great thing about this book is that when you start reading you aren't sure whether it takes place in an alternate reality or the future. There is a point where you do find out when our protagonists go through the ruins of a city that you know, but it's fun guessing until then.
The recent years have brought several high quality dystopian novels for tweens and young adults to the bookstores and libraries, but these two series are a great introduction to this genre, without being too terrifying about humankind's future!
I love the Shadow Children series. What I like is that they concept is one the kids can relate to especially if they are a 3rd or more child in their family. Plus they aren't super long so they don't itimidate my readers who struggle more. Thanks for sharing these!