*I have been reading a book that by all accounts I should love, but I am just not loving them. I don't dislike them enough to stop, but they haven't caught and held my attention yet. The book is RED RISING by Pierce Brown. This one has gotten stellar reviews and everyone loves it and it's the next Hunger Games, etc... And it's good, it really is, but I have been able to put it aside and read a few others while I am reading it. That's just not a good sign in my book, but I am thinking if I push through I will really like the ending. So, I am not giving up on it, I am just not high on it yet. Have any of you read it yet?
*Interestingly enough, the most avid readers in my school are not that excited about ARCs. I went through a week where I was getting about one a day, totally exciting, but I just don't have time to read them! I want to honor the publisher who sent them so I decided to bring them in for some of my older, more avid readers (they are all more YA books). They liked them, and I had a few read them and give me mini reviews, but they just weren't clamoring for more. I think if they were ARCs of popular series it might be different, but right now they are more interested in what is on my shelves. This was a very interesting development to me!
*Lastly, I want spring! Winter is getting me down and I think that's why I haven't been reading as much. I just feel like I would rather watch TV, I don't want to have to think much! Plus I am cold.
*How was your February?
I have never ever been so sick of cold weather. I usually love it. I want to slap Mr. Winter till he comes to his senses.