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Apr 26, 2013

This Happened

Yeah, Jonathan Maberry favorited one of my tweets.  No big deal!

Just kidding, HUGE deal!!

He is such an amazing presence online!  This was just a highlight of my week.
Of course, having  these boys really into this series is also a highlight for me.  I loves these books!

I might have ruined the experience a little bit for them when they each turned in Dust & Decay and I said, "did you cry when...?"  For the record, no, they didn't.


  1. OMG awesome. I love how the internet helps us connect to celebrities and authors.

  2. Love him!!! A few years back one of my students wrote a review of Rot & Ruin and I sent him the link. He wrote her a note back! It was so amazingly nice of him :)

    1. He is pretty great about communicating with his fans! Makes me love his books even more.

  3. I had kind of a fan girl moment this week as well involving communication from the NetGalley coordinators. I thought I was going to hyperventilate.

    Cute blog. Following.


    1. Thank you for stopping by and welcome!! I still get a thrill when I get approved for something on NetGalley or Edelweiss!
