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Apr 8, 2013

Recapping My Week

Thanks for all the good wishes for my son.  The surgery went really, really good.  Things were better than expected!  The medication he is on is really working and now he is on the mend from the surgery.

Because things were better than expected he got out of the hospital much earlier than anticipated.  So, I got hardly any reading done.  Also, we got a subscription to Hulu+ for the hospital (we already had Netflix) so I ended up watching more TV than I had planned.  But I love that too!  Hulu has current TV on it!  I didn't have to be at my DVR.  Sad I didn't read a ton, happy I got caught up on some TV.

I did have a few plans to write up some blog posts (for this blog and my more personal one) but on the way to our surgery (we have to go to Spokane--four hours away), my younger son broke my laptop!  It was very accidental, but I wasn't able to do any blogging while I was there (ipads are not easy to blog on!).  I just sent it off to be fixed and hopefully soon it will be home and I will feel whole again.

So there you have it, my recap.

Hope your week was wonderful!


  1. So glad to hear! *hug*

    And I LOVE Hulu Plus! :)

    1. It is amazing. Just the best thing! I just tote my ipad around with me to whatever room I am in and keep watching!

  2. Happy to hear surgery went well and he's on the mend. Hope you'll be able to get back to some leisure reading, but Tv can be relaxing and amusing too.

    1. I grew up without TV, which is why I am such an avid reader. But man I have made up for lost time! And Netflix and Hulu+ make it so easy! I just started the first season of Scandal today because I keep hearing such good things!
