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Dec 14, 2011

The Power of 'The Hunger Games'

We have a younger PE teacher here at my school that is super into being fit (he's also a photographer). He organizes staff games after school so that we can stay active. He is pretty fun. However, last spring I wasn't participating in the staff games due to the fact that I have other kids to pick up and it was floor hockey, which I just didn't want to play.

So we made a deal, I would play in the staff games if he would read books I recommended. But then he started coaching track and the staff games fell by the wayside. But this fall he told me he was still waiting for his book. So I gave him The Hunger Games. I don't know his tastes well enough but I figures that was a safe bet.

I got a facebook message from him during Thanksgiving break that said, "You have ruined me. I sure hope you have the second book ready for me Monday, I haven't read a book this fast since The Firm!"

I brought him the next two and he whipped through them as equally fast!

He said I set the bar too high now and he expects the next book I bring him to be just as good!

That's my book story for this week!


  1. Awesome! So what's next? :-)

  2. Love the way books can do this :)

  3. I LOVE stories like this. Favorite part? "You have ruined me." :)

  4. I love it when that happens! The pressure is on now, though. What will you give him next? :)

  5. What a great story! Great first pick giving him The Hunger Games. What's your next recommendation for him?

  6. Me too! Now he has his dad reading the books and his dad can barely pout them down!

    I have no idea what to give him next but it won't be till after break because he will be too busy snowboarding during break to read (he says anyway).
