After the quick draw I did the other day I decided to ask about other bad book habits people have. I was a dog ear person until about ten years ago. Mostly that was because I owned the book and it didn't bother me to dog ear it. Once I made the switch to library books I switched to bookmarks also. Another thing I used to do is bend my books so far open that it cracked the glue and the book would lay flat (paperbacks anyway). Bad, bad book habit!
When I was younger I got into major trouble with my brother for laying a book of his open and face down. He collected Stephen King books--first editions. He found me first of all, reading one of his precious books and secondly, laying it face down. Man, he was pissed at me! he got over it when I found a paperback copy of Rage by Richard Bachman (a pen name Stephen King used to use) in a used bookstore. I love used bookstores.
What bad book habits do you have? Which do you secretly like and which are you trying to break?
I don't know if it's a bad book habit, but I'm sure many people would hate it. For my paperbacks in my classroom library I cover the covers with clear contact paper so they are stronger and last longer. I will admit I cringe when I put it on some covers just because they are so pretty. It doesn't cover up the covers at all - just protects them but still!